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Hair falling out? Here's what you need to know (and what you need to do)

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Hair everywhere, everywhere and again everywhere. If you are losing hair (myriads of hairs) during this period, don't worry. Even your hair is making the… change of season! Help them deal with it better.

What happens
Hair growth is part of a natural cycle. Every day, normally, new hair grows on our head, while others fall out (it is absolutely normal to lose between 50 and 100 a day) within a cycle that repeats itself constantly following three phases: anagen (growth phase, the most important and long cycle), catagen (transitional phase, when the follicle activities are interrupted and the bulb no longer produces cells) and finally telogen, quiescent phase (the hair is still held in the follicle, but with brushing and combing can be more or less taken away).

But why is hair falling out right now?
Seasonality is one of the factors that influence hair growth. The cold season slows down growth, the hot season stimulates it. In spring and autumn there is therefore a greater loss of hair, with a peak in November. But there may be other factors as well. Pregnancy, stress, illnesses, medicines can slow growth and even promote hair loss.

At this time we need to increase and improve the available nutrients.
Losing hair today will mean having new and stronger ones tomorrow! But to make this happen you need to improve growth impulses, increase the bioavailability of primary nutrients for the bulb, and rebalance the external and internal problems that could result in hair loss.

Keyword (and what we recommend): stimulate and nourish!
Nature is incredible: it already gives us everything we need. And it teaches us many things: even trees lose their leaves this season, just like we lose our hair.
The highly perfumed oil extracted from the Ylang-ylang flower, the Nettle extract, the Lemon, the Vitamin E and the Caffeine prepare the scalp optimally.
A brand new active ingredient derived from essential oil and Vitamin B3 is extracted from Mint which reactivates the microcirculation with a pleasant and persistent hot-cold sensation. This makes the active ingredients more bioavailable. Stimulating the scalp is like "irrigating" and "fertilizing" it, conveying towards the bulb which will give life to the hair everything it needs. Finally, oleuropein is a compound extracted from the leaves of the Olive tree that fights free radicals and favors the active growth phase of the hair for faster and healthier growth.

We have chosen these ingredients created by mother Nature in the Bio Beauty Routine STIMULATING HAIR TENDING TO FALL, the perfect BBR for this season and which you can repeat in spring.

Result : the stimulating shampoo for hair prone to falling out with Ylang-ylang stimulates the scalp and has an adjuvant action in the fight against hair loss; the Lotion is the pre-shampoo or after-shampoo scalp treatment that counteracts hair loss and offers more nutrients to the root.
Hair grows back thicker, grows better and faster, and its quality and style also improves, because it is naturally healthy.

As a preventative/seasonal treatment proceed with a six-week application of 30 drops all over the scalp and massage well. We recommend laying it at night to increase its effectiveness or at least by an hour. Then proceed with the Ylang ylang stimulating shampoo. Repeat the cycle one to two times a year to strengthen the hair regrowth phase.
Always shake before use and keep products away from eyes.

Discover the Bio Beauty Routine Stimulating hair prone to falling out