I 5 Oli, Essenziali per l’Inverno

The 5 Essential Oils for Winter

HAIR STORIES – 2nd episode Reading The 5 Essential Oils for Winter 2 minutes Next YOU AND YOUR TREASURE. FINALLY HOME!

What oils to use in winter?

Cold ailments take center stage during the winter, favored by the lowering of temperatures which in fact make the person more vulnerable.

The most common symptoms of respiratory diseases are: redness of the nasal mucosa, fever, congestion, obstruction and difficulty breathing, excessive production of mucus, cough, accompanied by a sense of general malaise.

Here are the 5 Essential Oils that offer the possibility of solving the most common pathological conditions that we face during the winter in a safe and effective way.

  • Radiated Eucalyptus

    • Considered the "lung" of nature, in the diffuser it is a very effective aid against respiratory tract infections.
    • Facilitates breathing and regenerates lung tissue.
    • Anticatarral in cases of rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, cough, asthma.
    • Calming.
    • Antiviral, prevents in uences, colds and bronchitis.
    • Revitalizing.
  • Eucalyptus Citriodara

    • Anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, against rheumatic pain, arthritis, polyarthritis.
    • Antiseptic, antispasmodic and antidiabetic.
    • Useful against insect bites.
    • Lowers fever when applied with cold compresses on the ankles.
  • ravintsara

    • As a form of winter prevention or to help with flu and colds.
    • Soothing and adjuvant in cases of herpes, edema and shingles.
    • Muscle relaxant.
    • Antiseptic, anti-infective, antiviral and antifungal.
  • Myrtle

    • Useful against cough, sore throat.
    • Antiseptic of the respiratory tract and the genital system.
    • Anti-inflammatory, toning, astringent, balsamic.
    • Insomnia.
  • Thyme Linarolo

    • Useful against alopecia.
    • In the diffuser it is an excellent purifier for the respiratory tract.
    • Indicated after an illness or during any other state of weakness.
    • Useful against sinusitis, bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, otitis.

How to use these oils?