Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair
Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair

Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair

passaggi per capelli perfetti come dal parrucchiere.

Sale price€51,80

"Tutti i prodotti lavorano in sinergia, già dopo il secondo utilizzo i miei ricci sono "rinati" nonostante non vedano le forbici da 21 mesi. RISULTATI ECCEZIONALI!!!"

- Teresa, customer Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair

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Bio Beauty Routine Curly Hair

What's in it?

Murumuru Butter Moisturizing Detangler

Trattamento iniziale altamente concentrato per ricostruire i legami originali dei ponti di solfuro ormai alterati nei capelli danneggiati.
Stabilizza la cheratina dei capelli, riempie e rimpolpa la fibra capillare. I capelli recuperano forza ed elasticità e la loro architettura viene ripristinata. Il 65 % dei capelli è riparato e ricostruito. E' il primo step di un rituale SOS!

Green Apple Moisturizing Shampoo

Spray gloss quotidiano con azione anticrespo, da vaporizzare sui capelli sempre a fine asciugatura per completare il look e donare lucentezza.

Spray gloss anticrespo per completare il look.

Impacco Disciplinante Capelli Crespi alla Passiflora

Trattamento pre-shampoo anticrespo ideale per i capelli sottoposti continuamente a stress,come calore (phon e piastra) e prodotti di styling.
Una cura ricostituente e rivitalizzante più intensa che ripara, ricompatta e liscia perfettamente la cuticola. Immediatamente capelli lucidi,morbidi dal tocco setoso, sani e più forti, a prova di umidità.

They talk about us

Frequent questions

Our products contain ONLY NATURAL ingredients.

Maternatura does not use dyes, but vegetable liposomes and natural preservatives such as: vitamins A, E, C, essential oils.

In fact, Maternatura makes use of the largest and most specialized bio-natural cosmetic laboratory in Europe, which collaborates with various Italian universities.

We believe in the importance of using ingredients that are safe for us and for the environment, so we offer high quality eco-biologically certified AIAB and VEGAN OK cosmetics. For this reason all Maternatura products do not contain: parabens, paraffin, mineral oils, GMOs, SLS and SLES and DEA; they are not tested on animals but are dermatologically tested (nickel tested < 0.0001%) for the well-being of all skin types, even the most sensitive.

The cost of shipping is €5.90 (single rate for all of Italy) on orders under €49.00.

Shipping is free for orders over €49.00.

Our staff generally takes 1-2 working days, from the day following receipt of your order, to carefully prepare and pack it. Overall, you will be able to receive the purchased products within 2-7 working days from the date on which you place your order, also based on the destination location you have indicated.

On our site we accept payments by credit card (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express circuits) and Paypal.

Sorry, at the moment we DO NOT accept payments by bank transfer or cash on delivery.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Prodotti x capelli lunghi

Ho acquistato la beauty routine anticrespo , ristrutturante pre- shampoo unitamente allo spray lucidante.

Li ho trovati ottimi.Sopratutto lo spray nn unge ed ha 1 buonissimo profumo